Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pacific Crest Trail

Well, it's about time for another walkabout...  

It's been 3 years since my harrowing adventure traversing the Appalachian Trail.  I'd like to say I learned some lessons about preparation and planning, but I'm winging this one just the same.

I'm gonna head out at some point in the next month or so, at some point...I don't know... time is but a concept. I have a lot of wool socks, a new tent, but I'm supposed to get something called tampons? For the ice?  I don't know, it doesn't make sense to me, but they're on sale right now so that's cool.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

I have completed the Appalachian Trail

Well guys, I completed the Appalachian trail September 26th.  I would like to say it was a life changing experience, but like, mostly I just walked a lot.

I just want everyone to know I did the entire Appalachian trail so I could visit with Penis Fly Trap's mom and dad and eat at their restaurant, Captain's Fresh Idea in Maine.  I heard you needed to work up a good appetite before eating there, so that's what I did. 

I hiked, I chafed, I finished.

I didn't even die once.

Hanging out with Gary and Becky Hall

Fuck ya, lobster roll
Got a tour of the family photos.  pre-Penis Fly Trap. So virginal.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Brief Visit Home 8.22.17

I came back for a brief visit for family reasons and ICHY shaved my head so I could complete trail in a more aerodynamic fashion.  She's a very thoughtful person.   

Friday, August 4, 2017

Survival and Sargasm visit Nub in MA!

On the weekend of July 22nd, Two-Thousand Seventeen, two hashers journeyed as far north as can reasonably be expected to visit our comrade, Nub, before he completes his however many month journey to Maine.

The weekend started with trips to breweries and for ice cream, several under-washed hitchhikers were transported to a suitable location, and much alcohol was consumed before the third of the party arrived. Once the last got in, she snacked and commandeered a bottle of wine to console her after the arduous, yet scenic, journey from Virginia. 

The following morning, Nub decided to take a bubble bath and that his visitors would paint his toenails. However, he quickly decided that he hated the bath and revoked his enthusiastic consent for the nail painting mid-brush stroke. He also lamented being relegated to a tiny cot while the girls slept in the big bed. A short hike to a waterfall commenced, where children were ushered away from the loud visitors as soon as the parents saw them opening a bottle of wine. More alcohol and ice cream were consumed, there was a failed attempt at glitter-bearding, and then the travelers headed back to the farm where they were regaled with stories of farming and cow-catching. They also learned some of the details involved with moving a whole yurt across a small field. All while drinking, playing with power tools, and hearing the many variations of the story of how Nub lost his thumb.

At some point, the party was edumacated on the awesomeness of Rick and Morty, The League, and Drunk History (kinda), fell asleep, and woke up to a real-life escaped cow story!

I'm in Barnard, Vermont!

Friday, July 14, 2017

June 27 - 29 Pennsylvania

When i was planning my hike on the AT Nub thought he would be ahead of me so we did not plan to meet up.  So I was super excited to get the text June 27 that he was in Duncannon, PA.  We met up & like good hashers had a breakfast beer in a park & then headed to Doyles (an infamous thru hiker hostel/bar) to have another while my muggle friend tended to her blisters. At Doyles, Nub lost his phone & then his I was very impressed he had made it this far on trail....both were found after some frantic looking. The asshole bartender had taken his phone off the bar & put it behind the bar, the wallet was in the bathroom.....

Things of note:
There are a lot of drugs on trail but Nub is doing this sans any illegal substances!  Very impressive!
He carried a heavy bottle of whiskey all the way so we could have a shot check 1 mile from camp - it made the treck so much more enjoyable!

Words of wisdom from nub:  He said when it's a tough hill he imagines the beer mile & it's the 4th lap...he thinks to himself "If I can finish the beer mile I can do this..."  I thought that was some deep shit ...

We made friends with lots of thru hikers: toothpaste, Bravo, lion hearted, trail magic, ghost, mayhem, old school - really fun to get everyone's story & why they are doing the trail.  Uncle Heather said he came in 4th out of 4 in a drag queen competition in Hagerstown, MD - so he decided he needed to get away!

When we met up he had just crossed the half way point.

We did Duncannon, PA to Swatara Gap, PA together.  Great time!  So proud of our Delicate Flower (Nub's trail name)  My trail name is pita - people found it fitting ....


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Update 7.12.17 places I've pooped

Location update 7.12.17 Bear Mountain State Park, NY
7.9.17 I pooped here

HA HA, get it! Abandoned car wash

Abandoned hotel that still charges to stay night?

Hotel that charges $25/ night - Doyle in Duncannon PA
It might be garbage, but the bar on the first floor is cheap!

6.30.17 Made friends with other drunks on trail!

7.1.17 Classy bathroom establishment

A mountain man still has needs

Pacific Crest Trail

Well, it's about time for another walkabout...   It's been 3 years since my harrowing adventure traversing the Appalachian Trail.  I...