Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Day 9 - 17

Tuesday, April 18th - I retrieved my tent At Top of Georgia hostel, made some friends, and continued on my journey!

Friday, April 21 - hiking through the brush fire areas is creepy!

Saturday, April 22 - I made a guest appearance at half case, half marathon and had a great time drinking beers and eating tacos!

Monday, April 24 - I hit mile 136 and pooped in some shelters!

Bopping in North Carolina!

1 comment:

  1. Nub - thanks for such a clear description of your progress so far. It is as i expected. It looks like pooping is an important part of your day. This is proof that in the words of Grandma Gatewood "you are not a pantywaist". Looking forward to catching up in person 2 states from where you are now. s'not


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